Welcome to our Resource Library.
The library is an ever-growing collection of books, articles, talks, podcasts, websites and other media by and/or for women of faith. You will find stories of revered women of the Bible and other ancient scriptures, side by side with contemporary faith journeys of women who are still writing, speaking, and advocating today. The library's rich variety of entries across a variety of media will provide the curious and seeking woman of faith with a wealth of insight, encouragement and dialogue on women’s issues. We hope you will enjoy diving into this wonderful collection of insights and wisdom.
Disclaimer: By Women, For Women does not endorse or advocate for any position contained within these resources. We present this library as a diverse and inclusive collection for women’s education and edification, not as a statement of opinion on any particular issue.
Resource Submission Form
Despite our best efforts, we cannot find every single worthwhile work by and/or for women by ourselves. That is why we invite you to submit new resources that we may have missed. What have you read, watched, listened to, or otherwise encountered that has added to your understanding of womanhood? What works by women of faith deserve more attention? Whose voices still need to be heard? Tell us about it by filling out this form.