Our Vision
Women of faith, particularly Latter-day Saint women in Europe, have access to people and resources to encourage them to find and use their voice and unleash their potential.
Our Values
We hold a deep commitment to the Gospel of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and we seek to emulate His example in all that we do. We acknowledge the complexity of life and that every faith journey is sacred.
We believe in the power of women coming together and seek to foster connection through dialogue. Through these conversations, each woman can engage with, contribute to and learn from a diverse well of lived experiences.
We celebrate and embrace every woman’s unique gifts and attributes. We are committed to creating a safe space for the collaboration of all women from all walks of life. Our aim is for every woman to feel accepted, safe and included.
We firmly believe that women possess an unlimited potential and that reaching this potential requires courageous living. We encourage women to lead their ordinary and extraordinary lives with their hearts and minds.
We delight in and embrace truth, wherever it is found. We seek and share knowledge with integrity and transparency, knowing that it has the power to unlock personal growth and learning in all areas of our lives.

Our Organisation
By Women, For Women took its baby steps when life was lived virtually. Due to increased interest and support and wanting to aim all our resources directly at our programmes, we registered as a non-profit organisation. After attempting to register in the United Kingdom but getting severely delayed due to COVID-19 disruptions, BWFW was registered as a non-profit organisation in Denmark. Although our legal headquarters are in Denmark, our programmes are aimed at women throughout Europe, and our operations remain virtual.